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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

red manicure

Hi girls..This is what I did one that beautiful red background:)
Hope you like it!

What I used:

-acrilic color:red,black,white
-red here


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Swatch: Flormar Supermatte M101(The perfect red)

Hello girls..Today I will show you a swatch at this beautiful color!! I found the perfect red!!Yep it´s so perfect that you only need ONE COAT!wtf one coat?? Yep you must try it to believe me..I am so amazed about this color that I am in love..perfect red!!This is Flormar Supermatte M101 !!Hope you like it!!Let´s see how it looks on my nails:D

Buna fetelor!!Astazi va voi arata un swatch la aceasta frumoasa culoare!!Am gasit rosul perfect!!Este atat de perfect incat trebuie sa dam doar UN SINGUR STRAT!ceee un singur strat??..Dap tre sa il incercati ca sa ma credeti!Sunt atat de mirata de culoarea aceasta incat m-am indragostit de ea !!rosul perfect!Acesta fiind Flormar Supermatte M101!!
Sa vedem cum se prezinta pe unghiute!!Sper sa va placa!

Flormar Supermatte M101

One coat !!!NO top coat!! The picture was taken at night!
Un singur strat !!Fara top coat! poza facuta noaptea!

Great shine no?

Have you tried this polish?
Ati incercat aceasta oja?

Kisses! Have a great week-end!
Pupici!Sa aveti un week-end minunat!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

sweet pink hearts

hi girls..I know the valentine day is over..but why not make more hearts?:)) I had this sweet pink glitter and I thought what to do with it ..and then some hearts hit me:))
Hope you like it:)
Buna fetelor..stiu ca ziua indragostitilor s-a terminat..dar am zis ce are daca mai fac un model cu inimioare:) mai ales ca aveam un sclipici roz foarte nu stiam ce sa fac peste el..dupa mi-a venit ideea sa fac cateva inimioare in ton.
Sper sa va placa:)

What I used:

-pink glitter
-white acrilic color


Monday, February 13, 2012

V day manicure

hello girls..It´s time for a new manicure..Because the Valentine Day is tommorow I did something specific for this day..some hearts on a very sweet background..and a little devil penguin:)
Hope you like it!

Buna fetelor..E timpul pt o manichiura noua..Si pentru ca ziua indragostitilor este maine am facut ceva specific pt aceasta zi..cateva inimioare pe un fundal f dulce zic eu:) si un mic pinguin dracusor:)
Sper sa va placa

Leydi 749- 2 coats

What I used:

- sweet pink polish
-acrilic colors: orange,red,white,pink and black

Have a great V-day!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

elegant red nails +tutorial

Hello girls..For today I prepared a red french that could be very easy done with the occasion of Valentine's Day and not only..I will say about this design that is a very easy and quick one..only 5 steps and you're done..sounds easy enough? It's a simple design but the final look makes it very elegant:)
I want to announce you girls that I've created a new facebook page and I would like to invite you all to like it:) ..This page will have more activity than the last one..Click HERE if you want to like it or on my sidebar

Buna fetelor ..Pt astazi am pregatit un french rosu care poate fi facut cu usurinta pt ziua indragostitilor dar nu numai!Pot sa zic despre acest model ca este unul f usor si f rapid !!Doar 5 pasi si e gata:) asa e ca suna usor?E un model simplu dar look-ul final e unul f elegant

Vreau sa va anunt ca am creat o noua pagina pe facebook si as dori sa va invit sa imi dati like daca doriti:).Cu siguranta voi avea mai multa activitate pe aceasta pagina noua decat pe cealalta!!Asadar click AICI pt a da like sau din bara laterala a blogului

This is the design:)

What I used:

-red polish from flormar supermatte M101
-black acrilic paint
-teadrop red rhinestones

*Step 1*
- make a V shaped french with red polish

*Step 2*
-with black color draw a line

*Step 3*
-make 2 little swirls like so..

*Step 4*
-make in the other side the same

*Step 5*
-add a red teadrop rhinestones in the middle of the v french

Add top coat!Don't forget that the top coat will protect your nail polish so it will resist lonerg and a better shine:)

The final look

Hope you like it!!Waiting for your responses:)


Sunday, February 5, 2012

one stroke flowers

Hello girls..I know my design doesn't have nothing to do with the weather outside:)) but I wanted something more colorful..Hope you like it:)
Buna fetelor..Intr-adevar modelul meu nu are de afec cu vremea de afara dar chiar am vrut ceva mai colorat si care sa ma faca sa uit de frigul de afara.Sper sa va placa !

What I used:
-acrilic paint : black ,pink,white,green
-white gittery polish
-a flat brush

Have a great week:)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

music nails

Hello girls ..this is my new design on natural nails of course:)..I wanted something like this for a long time..and now I decided do it:)
Hope you like it!
Buna fetelor..Acesta este cel mai nou model al meu pe unghii naturale..Vroiam de mult ceva de genul:)si am zis ca in perioada aceasta fiind fara inspiaratie am zis sa il fac..Sper sa va placa!

What I used:
- silver glitter
-white &black acrilic paint


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

my first uv Gel nail protection

Hello girls..So.... I am starting on gel..and my friends wanted to test it first:)..I did her a gel nail protection on her natural nails..Hope you like it!!And I am waiting for your opinion because I really need advices where I did wrong and what to correct in the future!
Buna fetelor ..asadar m-am apucat de prietena mea a fost cobaiul:">..I-am facut o protectie de gel pe unghie naturala ..Sper sa va placa! Astept opiniile voastre mai ales ale celor care se stiu ce am facut bine,rau:D pt a ma putea corecta pe viitor:)



