Buna fetelor..pt astazi am zis sa fac un model simplu si usor de realizat pt toate dintre voi care nu aveti timp de modele complicate..!!asa ca pregatiti-va pt un post lung!
this is the design
1.black acrilic color
2.white acrilic color
3.pink acrilic color
4.turquoise polish
If you don't have acrilics you can easily use nail polish because this a very simple design!
step 1
-apply 2 coats of your favorite polish..I used a turquoise one!
-apply 2 coats of your favorite polish..I used a turquoise one!
-do 5 dots with white to form a small flower
-do a 3 doted flower in the corner of the nail
-ad a black dot in the middle of the flowers
you can leave the design like this or continue to make flowers like I did in my ring finger
Step 7
do flowers on the entire nail 5 dots and also 3 dots
-add the black dot in the middle of each flower
Step 10
-add some smaller dots with white
Apply I coat of top coat and you are done!!
Aplicati un strat de top coat si sunteti gata!
The final look !
Hope you like it!!kisses!
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