Like I said in my last post I will show you my nail art brushes and how to use get ready:)
The brushes play a very important roll in the painting because if the brush is not good you will never get a good design..
Dupa cum am zis si in postul anterior urma colectia mea de scule:)) si cum le folosesc eu
Pensoanele joaca un rol foarte important in pictura pe unghii iar daca pensoanele nu sunt bune sau sunt prea groase nu vom reusi niciodata sa facem modelul pe care il dorim
This are all my tools:)
asadar asa arata sculele mele:))

detail brushes

some of them are
modified..if you are not satisfied of your brushes you can easy cut the hair so you can paint more easy..I have a lot of them modified like this have to cut the hair of your brush so you can get a perfect thin brush!!so if a brush is not good you will make it good for you:)
multe din pensulele mele sunt modificate..daca nu sunteti multumite de ele puteti f simplu sa taiati din parul lor cu o forfecuta..Eu am multe care le-am tuns:)) cum ar fi aceasta din poza..ele tb tunse pana obtinem o pensula subtire perfecta pt pictat!Deci daca pensulele nu sunt bune le puteti modifica!!dar cu putina eu inainte le taiam parul de tot:))

Use detail brushes to make beautiful petals to create flowers

This are definitely my fav..I use the to paint all most everything:))

The dotting tools in all sizes

the brush I use for one stroke

this is an example for this brushes..I need to practice more this
Don't forget to always clean your brushes after you use them!
Nu uitati sa curatati pensulele dupa fiecare folosire pt a le pastra mai bine!
Kisses!!hope you like it!