Hey girls,sorry for my absence but I had a bad week:((
But now I am back ,I was asked to do a tutorial at this design..This a very easy design..so anyone can do..Hope it is useful !
Buna fetelor..revin si eu intr-un final..am avut o saptamana f proasta..dar sper sa imi revin..si revin usor cu un tutorial la acest model..E un model f usor,pt oricine:)Sper sa va fie de folos si sa va placa:)
What you need
Step 1.
Draw a french with white polish like this
Facem un french alb .
Facem un french alb .

Step 2.
Over the white french put yellow polish
Peste french-ul alb dam cu galben
Peste french-ul alb dam cu galben
Step 4.
Ad yellow rhinestone
Adaugam un stras auriu
Adaugam un stras auriu

Now for the ring finger
Step 1.
Paint the nail with one coat of white polish
(I did it like this so the color can be more bright)
(I did it like this so the color can be more bright)
Dam un strat de oja alba,astefel culorile vor fi mult mai aprinse

Step 2.
With the yellow polish draw a kind of triangle
Cu oja galbena facem un fel de triunghi
With the yellow polish draw a kind of triangle
Cu oja galbena facem un fel de triunghi
With the yellow polish fill the triangle
Cu oja galbena umplem triunghiul
Cu oja galbena umplem triunghiul
Do the next triangle,this time orange
Facem urmatorul triunghi cu portocaliu
Facem urmatorul triunghi cu portocaliu
Ad a silver rhinestone in he middle
Punem un stras argintiu in mijloc
Punem un stras argintiu in mijloc

Am primit si un premiul in absenta mea:D ,de la Mad@.Multumesc frumos:)

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