well I am back in bussiness:)) might I say:D ...summer is here..and our pedicure must be gorgeous every day:D..I decided to use an orange this time as a base..but in the picture is red:)) because I did the pictures with the phone..like you know I broke my camera:(..Hope you like the design I did on my pedicure this time:D
Buna fetelor:D si cum as zice am revenit in meserie:))..cum vara a venit si pedichiura trebuie sa fie superba in fiecare zi si va propun urmatorul model:).De data aceasta am folosit un portocaliu ca baza dar in poza se vede cam rosiatic,din cauza ca am facut poze cu telu,cum bine stiti mi-am stricat camera,dar sper sa rezolv problema cat mai repede:D..Sper sa va placa!

-acrilic colors :yellow ,white,black,red
-orange polish
Kisses!!see ya!