Hello girls..For today I
prepared a red french that could be very easy done with the occasion of Valentine's Day and not only..I will say about this design that is a very easy and quick one..only 5 steps and you're done..sounds easy enough? It's a simple design but the final look makes it very elegant:)
I want to announce you girls that I've created a new facebook page and I would like to invite you all to like it:) ..This page will have more activity than the last one..Click
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Buna fetelor ..Pt astazi am pregatit un french rosu care poate fi facut cu usurinta pt ziua indragostitilor dar nu numai!Pot sa zic despre acest model ca este unul f usor si f rapid !!Doar 5 pasi si e gata:) asa e ca suna usor?E un model simplu dar look-ul final e unul f elegant
Vreau sa va anunt ca am creat o noua pagina pe facebook si as dori sa va invit sa imi dati like daca doriti:).Cu siguranta voi avea mai multa activitate pe aceasta pagina noua decat pe cealalta!!Asadar click
AICI pt a da like sau din bara laterala a blogului
This is the design:)

What I used:-red polish from flormar supermatte M101
-black acrilic paint
-teadrop red rhinestones
*Step 1*
- make a V shaped french with red polish

Step 2*
-with black color draw a line

Step 3*
-make 2 little swirls like so..

Step 4*
-make in the other side the same

Step 5*-add a red teadrop rhinestones in the middle of the v french
Add top coat!Don't forget that the top coat will protect your nail polish so it will resist lonerg and a better shine:)The final look

Hope you like it!!Waiting for your responses:)