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Monday, December 26, 2011

My Christmas nails

Hello ladies!!I am starting this post with a special wish for all off my followers!Have the best holidays and a Merry Christmas to all!This is a sad Christmas for me because my cat had died:( and it's my first Christmas without him:(It his hard because I had him for 14 years:(..I will make a special post soon about him so you will get to know him a little!
I did my manicure inspired from a little lamp..Hope you like it!

Buna fetelor!!Incep postarea prin a va urara tuturor urmaritorilor mei si nu numai Sarbatori fericita sic at mai multa liniste!Stiti deja ca pt mine a fost un Craciun trist din cauza ca pisoiul meu a murit si e primul Craciun fara el!:(Il aveam de 14 ani si mi-e greu sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea ca nu mai e:(
Pt Craciun am facut o manichiura inspirata de o candeluta pt lumanari!Sper sa va placa!Si sarbatori cat mai fericite in continuare!

My inspiration!

What I used:

-red orange polish
-acrilic paints: white,gold,black,green,yellow


Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas in glitter

Hello ladies!I did a special design for Flory's nail art contest!If you wanna suport me in this contest you can like me using facebook account click Here!!I will appreciate!Thanks a lot!
Buna fetelor...Am facut un model special pt concursul organizat de Flory!Daca vreti sa ma sustineti o puteti face cu usurinta folosind contul de facebook..Click AICI pt a ma putea vota!Va multumesc!

This is the design

What I used:
-acrilic paints : red,gold,black,green
-green glitter


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas lights nails

Hello girls..I tried some Christmas lights on my nails..On my nails is the version with green..and on my friends nails are with red!Hope you like it!

Green or red? this is the question!:)

What I used:
-red&green polish
-acrilic paints: black ,blue,green,orange,red
-glitter: red and green


Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas pinguins nails

Hello It's a very crowded time of the year!Everybody is getting ready for the most import holiday of the year..Christmas..This time I did a design for a winter/Christmas nail art contest!The voting had started so if you want to support me in this contest you can do it with a like!You first need to like Lacquered Me page..And the like my picture Here!Thanks a lot and hope you lie the design;)
Buna fetelor..e o perioada f aglomerata a anului..Toata lumea se pregateste de Craciun!!Eu vin cu un model de efacut pt un concurs cu tema winter/Christmas !Votarea a inceput si daca vreti sa ma sustineti in acest concurs ..puteti sa o faceti cu un like pe facebook!Mai intai tb sa dati like paginii Lacquered Me si apoi like la poza mea AICI!
Multumesc si sper sa va placa!

What I used:

-acrilic paints: yellow,red,black
-white polish
-blue polish
-little stars
-a french base


Thursday, December 15, 2011

snowman nails

Hello ladies:) Today I will show you the snowmans on my nails....Hope you like them!
Buna fetelor...Pt ca nu e zapada afara:)) macar pe unghiile noastre sa fie ..asadar am decis sa fac niste oameni de zapada care clar nu se potrivesc cu vremea de afara ci cu cea din calendar!Asadar sper sa va placa !Astept parerile voastre!

What I used:
-blue polish
-silver glitter
-acrilic paints: orange,red,black,green,blue


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Let it snow

Hey girls like I promise I will do only winter designs..So let it snow:D..I want snow:(
I did a glitter background in green and gold with some white snowflakes:) I saw this background over the internet..and I really wanted to try it:)..Hope you like them
Buna fetelor..cum v-am promis voi face doar modele de iarna si de vremea de afara nu se prea am zis macar pe unghiile noastre sa ninga nu?:)
Am facut fundalul dintr-o combinatie de sclipici verde si auriu..peste care am facut niste fulgi albi:)
Vazusem deja fundalul acesta undeva pe net si de mult vroiam sa incerc combinatia:)
Sper sa va placa!

3 hands:))


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

simple roses

Hi girls ..I will show you my last design flowers..because after this design I will give the start to the Winter and Christmas manicures:)
For this manicure I've picked a crazy color..summer collection??wtf?:))


What I used:
-acrilic paints: red &white
-orange polish
-silver polish


Monday, December 5, 2011

my nail stuff colection 2011

Hello girls..for today I wanted to make a post about all of my nails stuff..this is what I got until now:D so let's take a closer look at all of them..This is my precious box:X:))
Buna fetelor pt astazi vreau sa fac o postare cu toate accesoriile mele pt unghii..Asa arata colectia mea pana acum..Hai sa vedem mai de aproape ce contine cutia mea cu jucarii:D..

This is the box where I keep all of precious things for nail:))
It's a metal box:) that I love because it is very resistant

My glitters
1. in my cute jars

2. another set of gliiter
diamond shaped glitters
This are new can't hardly wait to test them:)

A closer look of this beauties are my rhinestones
round & tears shaped

My wheel rhinestones different shapes

other different rhinestones

3 D roses

3D butterflies
Fimo flowers

special polish for stamping
stamping plates
Dried flowers

other glitters
crushed shell
micro pearls & other glitters
nail strippers & stickers

Other stickers

So these are all of my nail stuff..Hope you like it:)

Kisses!Have a great week!
