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Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
base coat
In primul rand vreau sa spun ca este foarte important sa folosim o baza pt unghii.Acestea le protejeaza impotriva patarii cand folosim le mentin tari.
Trendy base is a very good base coat..very fast drying,
Aceasta basa este una foarte buna si se usuca foarte repede
The second one is orkide nail hardener..this is a good nail
hardener..I use it as a base coat because it protects very good the is a little whitish and that is good if you want to use it as a french base.
A doua este un intaritor de unghii de la orkide ,unul foarte bun.Eu il folosesc pe post de baza ca proteaza foarte bine unghia,este un pic albicioasa ceea ce o face foarte buna pt o baza french
This two base coats are my fav..and they are very cheap..It is important to use one whatever you prefer.So which is your favorite one girls?
Remember that if you don t have a base coat you can always use a clear nail polish but that doesn t protect your nails that much
Aceste baze sunt preferatele mele si sunt foarte ieftine..Este foarte important sa folosim una indiferent de preferinte ..Asadar care este preferata voastra fetelor??
Tineti minte incaz ca nu aveti o baza de unghii puteti folosi oricand un lac transparent dar acesta nu proteaja unghia chiar asa de bine cum o face o baza
First of all I wanna say it is very important to use a base coat..this protects your nails from staining them when we use nail polish ..and they keep them very strong
my favorite base coat are:
my favorite base coat are:
Trendy base is a very good base coat..very fast drying,
Aceasta basa este una foarte buna si se usuca foarte repede
The second one is orkide nail hardener..this is a good nail
hardener..I use it as a base coat because it protects very good the is a little whitish and that is good if you want to use it as a french base.
A doua este un intaritor de unghii de la orkide ,unul foarte bun.Eu il folosesc pe post de baza ca proteaza foarte bine unghia,este un pic albicioasa ceea ce o face foarte buna pt o baza french
This two base coats are my fav..and they are very cheap..It is important to use one whatever you prefer.So which is your favorite one girls?
Remember that if you don t have a base coat you can always use a clear nail polish but that doesn t protect your nails that much
Aceste baze sunt preferatele mele si sunt foarte ieftine..Este foarte important sa folosim una indiferent de preferinte ..Asadar care este preferata voastra fetelor??
Tineti minte incaz ca nu aveti o baza de unghii puteti folosi oricand un lac transparent dar acesta nu proteaja unghia chiar asa de bine cum o face o baza
Saturday, November 20, 2010
a touch of purple
buna fetelor..ceva de week-end dezamagita de oja mov de la optat pt un model simplu in lipsa de inspiratie
hi girls..something for the week-end..I am disappointed by the purple polish from glamour..a simple design lack of inspiration
What I used:
1.matte white
2.a darker pink
3.a light purple
4.silver glitter polish
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Buna fetelor!saptamana trecuta am participat la un concurs pe care l-am castigat si sunt foarte fericita!!!.concursul a fost organizat de
Ieri am primit produsul si am foarte nerabdatoare sa il numai bine aveam si parul gras ca sa vad daca are chiar am ramas foarte surprinsa ce volum a prins parul meu instantaneu.imi place ca are nijte particulele aurii ceea ce il face foarte potrivit pt petreceri.Il recomand pt toate fetele care au probleme cu parul care se ingrasa repede!CLICK pt solutia ideala pt parul gras!
Monday, November 15, 2010
my spa manicure
Manichiura mea spa pas cu pas
pasul 1:
*indepartati oja veche cu ajutorul unui dizolvant
step 1:
*remove the old polish from you nails with a nail polish remover
pasul 2:
* pentru albirea unghiilor eu folosesc un amestec din:
-bicarbonat de sodiu
-zeama de lamaie
-pasta de dinti pt albire
step 2:
*for whitening the nails I am using a mix from:
-sodium bicarbonate
-lemon juice
-whitening toothpaste
pasul 3:
*amestecam ingredientele,aplicam si periem pe unghii,lasam sa actioneze 5 min
step 3:
*mix the ingredients,apply it and brushe it on your nails,leave 5 min on your nails
pasul 4:
* pilim unghiile cu o pila de carton sau de sticla..intr-o singura directie pt a preveni exfolierea
step 4:
*file the nails with a glass or a sanding file only in one way to prevent exfoliating
pasul 5:
*tineti unghiile intr-un bol cu apa calda pentru cateva minute
step 5:
*keep your nails in a bowl with warm water for some minutes
pasul 6:
*avem nevoie de
-tratament farmec
-ulei de migdale dulci
-tratament flormar cu vitamina E
pasul 7:
*aplicam pe cuticule uleiul de migdale duci..acesta are un rol de hidratare,inmoaie foarte bine cuticula si ajuta la cresterea mai rapida a unghiilor mai tari si mai rezistente
step 7:
*apply on your cuticles sweet almon oil..this will hydrate your cuticles,soft them,and help the growth of the nails more strong and resistant
pasul 8:
*aplicam tratamentul de la farmec,acesta are un rol de a preveni exfolierea unghiilor
pasul 9:
*impingeti cuticulele
step 9:
*push back the cuticles
pasul 10:
*aplicam tratamentul de la flormar care contine vitamina E si este foarte bun pt cresterea sanatoasa a unghiilor
pasul 11:
*lasam sa intre uleiul in unghie,iar daca nu avem timp 10-15 min e suficient ,
pasul 12:
*aplicam baza pe unghii tot timpul inaintea folosirii unui lac pentru protejarea unghiei.
step 12:
*apply the base all the time before the nail polish to protect the nails
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I won!!!
I can't believe my eyes..I won RINA first nail art I am lucky:">because of your votes I enter the final!thank you again!!and a special thank you to the judges!!I am so happy because it's my first nail contest that I win:">
so here are the prizes that I can't wait to put my hands on!!
Nu imi vine sa cred ca am castigat!!Am castigat primul concurs de nail art organizat de RINA!!sunt foarte norocoasa..datorita voturilor voastre am intrat in finala!!va multumesc inca o data!!si vreau sa multumesc si juriului!!sunt asa de fericita pt ca este primul concurs de nail art castigat!!
a pair of Red Caddy Posh Pocket Shoes (of your size)
Elianto Red Violet, Elianto Racing Green, Faceshop OR202, Faceshop GR501,
Faceshop 404, Faceshop BL602, Revlon Peach Petal, Caronia Bright Night Collection and nail care products, 5ml empty nail polish bottles, Faceshop emery board, Konad's promotional stamping nail art kit, pink cosmetic bag from Etude House, and 2 sheets of nail art stickers.
A small box containing a few interesting facts about the Philippines.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
First I want to say a special thank you girls for voting means a lot to me!! I am in the top 5 finalist!!so happy:D.If you want to see the rest of the finalist visit RINA.
and now for a new manicure..I wanted a french manicure for a long time:D
Intai vreau sa va multumesc pentru toate care m-au sustinut in concurs..inseamna foarte mult pt mine suportul vostru!!sunt printre cele 5 finaliste..daca doriti sa le vedeti si pe restu va invit sa o vizitati pe RINA
Si acum pt o noua de mult imi doream un french:D
What I used:
1.matte white
2.a soft pink round rhinestones
5. a french base
6.silver glitter polish
Saturday, November 6, 2010
It's Time To Vote! (Color It Red)
hello ladies ..I have entered a nail art contest with the theme RED hosted by RINA..and now the voting had started..if you want to see the beautiful entries and vote the one you like click here
Good luck to everybody including me:">
buna fetelor..recent m-am inscris la un concurs cu thema ROSU organizat de acum a inceput votarea..daca doriti sa vedeti modelele si sa votati modelul care va place dati click aici
Mult succes la toate si mie in special:">
This is the design I am entering If you like it vote for me..thank you!
Acesta e modelul cu care particip daca va place ma puteti vota .multumesc!
Good luck to everybody including me:">
buna fetelor..recent m-am inscris la un concurs cu thema ROSU organizat de acum a inceput votarea..daca doriti sa vedeti modelele si sa votati modelul care va place dati click aici
Mult succes la toate si mie in special:">
This is the design I am entering If you like it vote for me..thank you!
Acesta e modelul cu care particip daca va place ma puteti vota .multumesc!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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