Step by step
My inspiration/
InspiratiaA did a Christmas manicure inspired by an outfit created by
Camelia.And I won the contest on her blog and I am so happy!!yey!!thanks a lot..
Am creat o manichiura de Craciun inspirata de tinuta creata de
Camelia.Si am castigat un concurs organizat de ea..sunt foarte fericita!!multumesc mult!!
What I used
: polish
2.glittery polish polish
4.white stars
6.pen round rhinestones polish
9.dark green
Step 1/
pasul 1-do a french with red and on the ring finger paint the
entire nail.
-facem french cu rosu iar pe inelar dam toata unghia
Step 2/pasul 2-apply a layer of glitter polish on every nail
-aplicam un strat de oja cu sclipici pe fiecare unghie
Step 3/pasul 3-we do 2 little branches with the light green polish,
-facem 2 crengute cu oja verde deschis
Step 4/pasul 4-make 3 red dots with the dotter on our nails,in the middle of the leaves.
-on the ring finger we will do an
arc-shaped tree with the dark green.and on the top of the tree we will put a little star
-facem 3 puncte rosii cu dotterul(instrument de facut puncte..poate fi inlocuit cu un pix,creion,coada de penson)hihi
-facem un brad in forma de arc cu verde mai inkis la care adaugam o steluta in varf
Step 5/pasul 5-outline the 3 dots with black polish and do a small dot in the middle of the red dot
-conturam cele 3 puncte cu oja neagra
Step 6/pasul 6-we do inside of the little branch some thin lines with the dark green
-facem in interiorul crengutelor niste linii subtiri cu verde inchis
Step 7/pasul 7-now we decorate our Christmas tree with red round rhinestones
-si acum impodobim bradul nostru de Craciun cu pietricele rosii
Step 8/pasul 8-now again with the black polish some thin lines in the branches
-facem cu oja neagra linii subtiri in interiorul crengutelor
Step 9/pasul 9-apply top coat on our nails and cuticle oil on our cuticles.
-aplicam top coat(sau un lac transparent)si ulei de cuticule pe cuticule
The final look